Search results for: advert-uae

Update | August 2, 2022

Version 3.015 August 2, 2022 – Fixed issue with profile page google maps.

Place all your Ads on a exclusive Ads-space map

Are you interested ? Contact us !

Update | March 14, 2022

Version 3.014 March 14, 2022 – Fixed caret issue when login/register modal is open on IOS devices. – Fixed ads per author count. – Fixed country restriction when adding add through profile page.

Update | January 7, 2022

Version 3.013 January 7, 2022 – Resolved circle image thumbnails when uploading as editor. – Resolved submit button wrong color on focus. – Verified and featured icons fixed. – Move viewport to top of search results while going to next page. – Resolved single ad page small thumbnails on mobiles.